by Tammy Phillips
June 4, 2024

For He made Him who knew no sin [to be] sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2Co 5:21 NKJV)

The good news from Jesus  is,  “It is finished!” However, we are not! He made a great exchange when He stepped out of heaven into the human form of a baby, grew up,  died on the cross and rose again. His job is finished. Ours is not. We must accept  Him as Lord and Savior to receive the “great exchange.”  When we follow after Him and read His word, we learn…

Jesus did not have to, but he did!

Jesus DIED so we could LIVE.

Jesus was ACCUSED so we can be ACQUITTED.

Jesus was PUNISHED in return we can be REWARDED.

Jesus SURRENDERED His life for us to CONQUER in ours.

Jesus was VICTORIOUS so we no longer have to live DEFEATED.

Jesus experienced great SORROW so that we may have great JOY.

Jesus was SHAMED so that we can reflect His GLORY.

Jesus was full of FAITH so we can live without FEAR.

Jesus was BEATEN so we can be HEALED.

Jesus was BOUND so that we can be SET FREE.

Jesus was CONDEMNED in order for us to be FORGIVEN.

Jesus was PUNISHED so that we could receive GRACE.

Jesus took on all SIN so we can become a NEW CREATION.

Jesus took on EVERY WRONG in order that we be MADE RIGHTEOUS.

Jesus took on every EVIL so we can experience ABUNDANT life.

Jesus was made a CURSE so we can receive the BLESSING.

Jesus was REJECTED and so we can be ACCEPTED.

Jesus was BROKEN and so we can be made COMPLETE.

Jesus went to WAR so we can live in PEACE.

Jesus was SAVIOR in order for us to escape DESTRCUTION.

Jesus was PUNISHED in return we were REWARDED.

I enCOURAGE you to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Be born again in Him and receive all His benefits. Live. Breathe. Be living the great exchange.

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